July 9, 2021

Welcome to the latest issue of the Australian Breast Device Registry (ABDR) update. 

National Recruitment

Our sincere thanks go to Australians undergoing breast device surgery, their surgeons, and health care facilities for supporting this important work. The 300+ participating sites are listed here.

ABDR Operates Consumer Helpline

The ABDR is helping the Victorian public become better informed about BIA-ALCL, a rare form of lymphoma linked to some breast implants. Since May this year, the ABDR team has operated a dedicated consumer helpline as part of Safer Care Victoria’s effort to increase awareness of BIA-ALCL.

Read the ABDR announcement here, and the Victorian Department of Health announcement here.

ABDR Team News


Congratulations to ABDR data analyst Jessy Hansen (pictured right), awarded ‘Best Research Paper’ prize by BreastSurgANZ at RACS Annual Scientific Congress in May. In addition to working on the ABDR annual reports, Jessy developed risk adjustment models to benchmark patient reported outcomes following breast implant surgery. “This approach will lead to improved breast implant monitoring, including accurate identification of underperforming devices,” she said.

Upcoming Events


The Australasian International Breast Congress (AIBC) will be held at the Brisbane Convention Centre, 14 – 16 October, 2021. Held jointly by BreastSurgANZ, ASBD and CoBrCa, the conference will continue the tradition of directly addressing key issues facing clinicians in their daily practice. An excellent scientific program features debates, lectures, panel discussions and workshops. Registrations are now open.  In-person registrations can be changed to virtual registrations should travel to Queensland not be possible.